In addition to teaching expositionally through Scripture, below are topics I most often teach on:

  • Science & Ethics

    How do Scripture and science fit together? How can I be persuasively and winesomely pro-life? What does Scripture teach about genetic modification?

  • Maturity & Sanctification

    How does the Bible define spiritual maturity? How can I grow in joy? What is a biblical perspective on marriage and divorce?

  • Evangelism & World Religions

    How can a Christian engage meaningfully with a Muslim or a Mormon? How is Christianity unique among world religions? How do I share the Gospel in a postmodern world?

  • Systematic Theology

    What does Scripture teach about the doctrine of salvation? What is the difference between Calvinism and Arminianism? What are the different views on the end times?

  • God as Warrior

    What does the Bible teach about Old Testament warfare? How does that relate to spiritual warfare? Are the “gods” of the Old and New Testaments different?

  • Work & Social Justice

    What is a biblical theology of work? How can I work in public service to the glory of God? How should I think about social justice and public policy with a biblical worldview?

  • Biblical Exposition

    Is all Scripture (even the Old Testament) really about Jesus? How can I understand the historical context of Scripture and apply it faithfully today?

  • Healthy Churches

    What are the Nine Marks of a Healthy Church, and how can I use this framework to grow and strengthen healthy churches?